Salford Labour Working for a better, fairer Salford

It has come to our attention that RHS Bridgewater have undertaken a cull of roe deer population which had taken residence outside of the deer enclosure. This news has caused understandable distress amongst the general public – and we will be contacting RHS Bridgewater as soon as possible to clarify the situation.
RHS Bridgewater have previously committed to safeguarding the Roe Deer population in and around their site, with physical barriers to protect the flora and fauna within the gardens, and when absolutely necessary by relocation. In this instance COVID-19 restrictions have been cited as their reason for not pursuing relocation – we will be investigating this reason with RHS Bridgewater as soon as possible.
In Salford, we see wildlife as our neighbours. We see it as our shared duty to coexist with our wildlife, and we are proud to have such diverse and breathtaking creatures in all corners of Salford. From the recently spotted otter in the Irwell, to birds of prey in Broughton, to the roe deer that can be seen in their majestic and shy beauty in Worsley. This Council has poured huge amounts of investment into our green spaces and green infrastructure over the past few years – and bringing wildlife back to our once industrial city has been no small part of our objective.
The RHS Gardens have the potential to hugely increase the biodiversity of this city – but the existing populations of wildlife must always be respected.
Paul Dennett (City Mayor) and Lewis Nelson (Salford Wildlife Champion)