Salford Labour Working for a better, fairer Salford
Paul Dennett – Salford City Mayor

The last 5 years have been a rollercoaster, and for me – the greatest honour and privilege of my life.
We’ve opened 7 new libraries, we raised pay for care workers, we’ve started the first Council House building program in a generation, opened our Maternity led Unit at Ingleside to keep babies born in Salford, invested in parks, walking and cycling routes across our city and prioritised our spending to make sure residents of this city receive care and support.
But it hasn’t just been a story about what this Council has done for residents – what the last few years have proven is that good leadership is a partnership between politicians, the council and the public. When Coronavirus hit, it was the Council, businesses and local residents all working together through the Spirit of Salford Network which kept food on the table for thousands of vulnerable people.
That’s why I mean it when I say that we couldn’t do it without you. Salford is a hardworking city with conscience and compassion – a place where people look after each-other. This is the spirit that I believe is at the heart of Labour values – working together to make life better for everyone.
So thank you to every one of you for the successes of our last 5 years, from the bottom of my heart.
Read more about what your City Mayor is doing for Salford here